Wednesday, December 19, 2012


So about a month ago I was having lunch downtown with my parents and my sister. The topic came up about my job search..btw I have been looking for a job for about 6 months now. Anyways, my sister came up with a brilliant (yet jokingly at the time) idea that I should apply at Hooters. Now I come from a very open, non-judgmental family so of course both of my parents were like "yah you should totally apply there!" Although the idea of working there seemed like a dream job, I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of it myself..and waaay sooner! It was settled..I would apply to Hooters.

So I decided to wait to apply until after Thanksgiving break. It would give me a little more time to think about what to say and dread over what to wear cus Lord knows I have too many clothing options! haha yah right! So I went up to my boyfriend's grandparents house in the desert. We rode dirt bikes and ate lots of turkey and had a blast ! I also got to talk to my bf  about the whole Hooters thing and if he would be cool with it knowing what it would entail. And he was totally cool about it! He actually wants me to work there out of all the places I have applied to..because he knows my personality and think I would do well and make lots of tips. YAY FOR SUPPORTIVE BOYFRIENDS!!

So we got back home and the next day I got my lazy butt outta bed and spent, oh, 3 hours taking my sweet ass time to get ready! So after I was all dolled up wearing what I thought would be appropriate due to the fact it was cold and rainy outside (dark jeans that made me look skinnier, a maroon colored tight slight v-neck tee to show off the girls a little, navy blue converse, a light sweater, and a beanie to protect my hair from getting wet.) Not too formal, but not too under-dressed. I headed out. Now I don't have a car, in fact I don't even have a license..yah 19 and still no license! Boo for that! But yah I walked a few blocks to the bus, which took me to the trolley..and approx. 30 minutes later I was off the trolley walking toward Hooters. On the way I took off my sweater and beanie and stuffed them into my hobo bag. And then checked my makeup and hair in my compact. Then I was at the front door of Hooters. Yikes! Butterflies? NO! More like a bunch of  velociraptors eating away at my stomach! Sorry for that weird analogy but that's all I could think of to describe the literal pain and terror coursing through my body! What was I getting myself into?! Am I even pretty enough or skinny enough or bubbly enough to be anywhere close to the league of extraordinary women called Hooters Girls? I was psyching myself out uncontrollably. But then I thought What the hell..I've come this far I can at least give it a shot! And then I walked through the double doors with the giant symbolic owl painted on the front. Here goes nothing..

Well, just every shred of my PERSONALITY!!!! I walked in and stood there for a minute..which seemed like forever! There was almost nobody in the whole building except for one gentleman at the bar and the bartender in a deep conversation. Finally the female bartender asked me if I needed help. Umm does mental help count? "Yes I was actually um wondering if you are hiring?" I said trying to act cool but so obviously NOT. "Let me see" She rummaged through the underside of the cash register. "I don't have any more." she replied looking me up and down and inside out. Damn! She doesn't like me. I read about what it means when they say they ' don't have any applications' means they just don't like you or don't think you're cut out to be a Hooters Girl. "Let me go see if we have some in the back" HOPE! So I stood there by the hostess stand like a dipshit trying to seem interested in the posters and ads plastered on the walls and the game playing on the tv. She came back out empty-handed. Crap! "Um 'A' is going to see if she can get one for you." "oh okay. Thank you." I said still trying to be cool. Then an extremely gorgeous girl came from the back and walked by me and brought back the application. "Here you go" she smiled and set it on the table. "Thanks!" I smiled back. Oh crap I don't have a pen. How could I not bring a pen with me?! So I got up and asked the bartender for a pen and she gave me one. I sat back down at the booth and filled out my application. My hands were shaking and sweating and my bangs kept getting in my face. Finally I was finished. I went back to the bar and told her I was done. "Okay just have a seat and the manager will be right over." Okay..nerves getting the best of me, heart racing..I sat..and waited. This is chance to prove that I am Hooters Girl material! I hope I can be bubbly but not say anything stupid! The manager walks over. I stand up to greet her and shake her hand. Polite. Normal. But we didn't sit back down. She asked my name and pointed out my phone number and that was it. "I will look over your application and call you within 3-5 days if I have an opening." "Okay Thank you so much!" I said bubbly as possible hoping to get in one last effort.

I walked out the doors and headed around the corner to the mall a few blocks away because I was by myself and had nowhere to be.  So many thoughts were running through my head. Did I do well? Did they like me? Will I get a call back? Why didn't she interview me? And then I started to tear up..yep! I actually started crying because I didn't think I showed enough of my personality. Every time I urged myself to reply with a bubbly came out bland and unexciting. Which is not like me at all because I am usually the life of the party! So needless to say I was a little disappointed in myself. So what does a girl do to numb the pain of a bad day? She goes shopping! And gets Starbucks..bitches love Starbucks! haha

So that's what happened when I first applied to Hooters. Want to know what happened after that? Well, a whole lot of nothing! phone call. Boo.But I am not going to let it discourage me! In fact I am still going to pursue a job at Hooters! So read on if you want to know how. *The next post will be about the waiting game and my determination.*

xoxo Summer


  1. yes..did you get the job? don't let that discourage you. keep ur head up :)
